Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CMS Umbraco vs Orchard

I have decided to experiment with these 2 products.  Since they seem to have a lot of potential.
  • Open source (free?)
  • large support community
Currently I have done the install and played around with the interface, creating pages, links, apply themes...  And so far I'm liking Orchard in accomplishing these tasks. 

Orchard has a quite detailed set of functions that is easy to find and does what you would expect to see.  As for Umbraco it has an easy to use interface but maybe too easy as it seems difficult to find the functions I want to use.  I'm not sure if I'm looking at a simplified view. 

Performance wise Umbraco seems to load faster.  Since this is back end work the only concern should be the front end performance which I believe will excel in speeds.  (I have read that Orchard has too much stuff).

Next step is creating a module on each CMS.

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