Tuesday, January 13, 2015

CMS Orchard - Manual Install

I've been looking at different CMSs that use ASP.NET and came across Orchard CMS.  It's a CMS that is created by Microsoft(c), open source and "similar" to Wordpress(c).

How to Manually Install in VS2012

1. Unzip the source put it in your projects directory.
2. Open the sln file in VS.
3. Build and run.

There will be an intial setup and account creation.  After that you are ready to roll!

Or if you don't use VS2012, etc.

Follow instructions from here
Ensure you have the latest ASP.NET

1. Get the latest .zip files of the Web and Source.
2. Put the unzipped web files into inetpub/wwwroot folder.
3. Modify the security for 4 folders:  App_data, Media, Modules, and Themes. (edit: also bin folder)
4. Open iis (edit: right click folder select install as app) and create a new site for Orchard.

note: to create modules you use codegen

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