Monday, November 14, 2016

Mario Series Complete! 4/4

I may have rushed the details with this but overall as a whole it's satisfactory.  ha.


- Gather reference!  Collect pictures of your subject.
- Draw the subject on the canvas.
- Brushes.. I have some crappy brushes that split when painting.  Detailing can be a nightmare.  So to remedy this wrap thread around the end of brush bristle base to keep the bristles bunched together.  Works fairly well :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pumpkins - Halloween 2016

Totoro and Charmander

Pro Tip:  To easily scrape off the skin of the pumpkin, score the skin with an exacto knife in a cross hatch pattern.  Then with a carving tool scraping off the skin will be much easier.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Create a new Wordpress local server using Webmatrix

I'm using this mainly for theme development

1. Download and install Webmatrix from the Mircosoft website.
2. Open Webmatrix and choose "new"
3. Search for Wordpress, change the site name then press "next"
4. Go through the install items.
5. Finish!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Mario Painting 3

This was an easier paint with mostly background and clouds.  3 down 1 more to go! Stay tuned :)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Yoshi's First Appearance

Mario paintings series 2nd of 4.  Took me a little longer to finish (on and off).  Mixing the various shades of green took the most time.  Overall fun to paint.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Cheatsheet - CSS Wildcards

CSS wildcards

[class^="col-sm"] - select all with class name begin with "col-sm"
[class$="-pill"] - select all with the class name end with "-pill"


For the wildcard ^ - the class must be also first on the HTML tag list of classes in order for it to work.  This rule seems kind of strange.  I'll need to test it some more.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


I'm starting a series of Super Mario World stage layout paintings. This is the first of 4 in the series.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Birch Trees Wall Mural

1.  Had some leftover paint so outline trees - bunching 2 or 3 trees together.
*.  Plan out the birch trees on paper before attempting the wall.

 2.  Outline tress with paint tape.

3.  Make small branches.

4.  Put some detail.

5.  Paint the trunks off-white semi-gloss, and background light blue matte.

6.  Remove tape.

7.  Clean up and touch up lines.

8.  More clean up and apply another coat of paint.

9.  Add some leaves.